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HotHTML 2001 Professional
WebSoftware :: Products & Services :: HotHTML 2001 Professional :: Features
A general overview and a list of features in HotHTML 2001 Professional.
Saturday, 27 July 2024
WebSoftware has discontinued support HotHTML 2001 Professional as HotHTML 3 Professional has superceeded it, we will however update critical bugs when they are found.

Features Overview

  • User-Friendly Interface
    HotHTML 2001 was developed to keep things simple, the UI is laid out so its easy to access the features and tools you'll need without having to go through a million menus.

  • HTML, ASP and Perl SupportThe Editor in HotHTML 2001 supports syntax highlighting in HTML, ASP and Perl documents as well as quick inserting of tags throughout all documents.

  • Integrated Previewing with QuickPreview
    Preview the documents you create right inside the same IDE without having to launch a seperate process. Powered by QuickPreview, you dont need to save your documents to be able to preview and it will clean itself after by deleting the temporary files it creates.

  • Image Support
    Open Bitmaps, JPEG's and GIFs inside the Editor

  • Open files quickly with QuickLaunch
    Open files you want from your file system (local, network or remote) via the QuickLaunch Tab, a Windows Explorer like tool with file filtering!

  • Integrated ColorPicker Tool
    Need to add color to your pages? Use your ColorPicker tool to select a color from the pallete, and the tool will insert HEX values required.

  • Manage your Scripts with ScriptArchive
    Any website will look better with a few scripts added for eye candy, be it DHTML or JavaScript. Manage these with ScriptManager easily.

  • Wizards and HTML Code Generators
    New to HTML? No worries, HotHTML 2001 has a stack of Wizards and HTML Code Generator Dialogs to assist you in working with HTML, you'll find them easier to work with and learn HTML along the way!

  • Inspire with Open From Web
    Inspire yourself by downloading the source code from other pages you have written on the web with 'Open From Web' tool, it will automatically download and optionally syntax highlight the document for you.

  • Unlimited Undo/Redo Support
    HotHTML 2001's Code Editor allows you to have unlimited Undo and Redo actions, so you'll never be caught out.

  • Ultra Fast Find/Replace Tool

  • TagLib
    Learn HTML or use it as a reference tool, TagLib gives you a complete listing of the HTML specification for you to look through.

  • Plugin Architecture
    Download or create plugins for HotHTML 2001 to extend it with new dialogs and wizards!
Plus stacks more! Why bother reading when you can Download a copy today!
A Full IDE Shot of HotHTML 2001 Professional
Welcome Screen at startup with the Templates tab selected.
A project created in HotHTML 2001 Professional.
Goto a location in your document.
The Options Dialog in HotHTML 2001 Professional

Thats right, with the release of HotHTML 3 Professional we have made HotHTML 2001 completely freeware! Go ahead and Download your copy today!
 Latest News
WebSoftware is happy to announce that HotHTML 3 FixPack 6 has arrived with support for Windows Vista SP2, Windows Server 2008 and Windows 7. With this release, HotHTML 3 Professional is now completely freeware! Go download your copy today!

An update is available that includes several performance enhancements, no new bugfixes or changes are included but uses newer compilers and optimsations for newer CPUs.

WebSoftware has released FixPack 5 for HotHTML 3 Professional, includes lots of bugfixes and performance improvements.

WebSoftware has released FixPack 4 for HotHTML 3 Professional, this release is primarily a bugfix release and is recommended for all users.

WebSoftware has released FixPack 3 for HotHTML 3 Professional, with several new features such as one-click validating, indenting and auto-correcting of HTML/XHTML files and many new enhancements based on user-feedback. Click on the headline for more information!

WebSoftware has updated the hugely popular freeware version of HotHTML 2001 Professional to v1.0.10. Most of the updates include numerous performance tweaks and several bugfixes. Download a slimer, leaner and juiced up copy today!

WebSoftware is pleased to announce the FixPack 2 release of HotHTML 3 Professional. FixPack 2 includes numerous bugfixes, enhancements and feature-requests from users.

Welcome to the fourth version of the WebSoftware site. Sporting an all new look and feel - in an Office 2003 theme, breadcrumb navigation, new SupportCenter and our Knowledgebase and much more! To learn about the new features click on the headline!

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 Product Versions
HotHTML 3.0 Professional
v1.0.3389 (FixPack 6)

HotHTML 2001 Professional
v1.0.11b (Final)

 Developer SDK
HotHTML 3.0 Professional
v1.0.0 (Revision 8)

HotHTML 2001 Professional
v1.0.0 (Revision 2)

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